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Thursday 17 March 2011

Revelation TV Interview Richard Dawkins Comments

Nice to see a debate on this subject conducted in such a polite manner, quite refreshing.  Bill O'Reilly could learn something.

akorn80 1 minute ago
Epic ending face. He was about to seize.

LoopuleasaIonut 6 minutes ago
RD is a great teacher and helps ignorant (in the true sense of the word) people to understand the facts of life. I think the interviewer is doing his followers a big favour and is courageous to take on RD. Not having read the books enables him to ask questions which others, who have also not read the books, would like to ask and which he would not have asked if he'd read the books. Its all very well to be critcal but it won' t change beliefs. RD's patience is what's needed.

MrRickbaker01 11 minutes ago
is he really being super reasonable to the level if stupid or is he just pretending we have to be careful here, is anybody that stupid or is it just a ploy.

beccaminstrell 12 minutes ago
Just extraordinary. The interviewer displays all the signs of a deluded mind. Richard is so brilliant and patient. I know the interviewer had a personal tragedy, but you must use a person who has read at least some of Dawkins' books. (which are magnificent).

iandsharp 40 minutes ago
Amongst all the religious channel, Revelation TV scores big points for having a discussion with prof.Dawkins. It would be inspiring to see them grow up and realize the true grandeur of time and space

FilipZeVsi 48 minutes ago
Just lost a friend to this nonsense. Once they reach the point where this guys is it's impossible to reason with them. All the facts in the world won't change their point of view: It just bounces off completely. It is quite painful to watch them insulate their brains completely to rational arguments and facts.

hamstenator 1 hour ago
"I would be happy to recieva an invitation." I love it.

FlightyMail 1 hour ago
The only Revelation here is that the interviewer is mawkish and dim. ..'I haven't read any of Richard's books' WTF?! Wouldn't you at least read up on the person you are interviewing!? Typical xtian arrogance...


managarm1349 6 hours ago
Richard could barely keep a straight face through this man's anecdote - I certainly couldn't. I was laughing throughout.

LavLTC 6 hours ago
54:20 "For example, there could have been a conversation between the son and the father in heaven before coming down and maybe in that sense Jesus said I will do it." In this TV show chock-full of howlers, that's my favourite.

BlowDevilUp 6 hours ago
It's really rare to see evangelical creationists who are as humble as this.

waksibra 6 hours ago
Richard Dawkins just got me to watch Revelation TV. He must be God!

WeAreStarStuff51 6 hours ago 5
Yes, he was treated "abominably".

That would be FOX News for ya!!

ana8woahhh 6 hours ago
Worst interviewer I've ever seen.

manmadesounds 6 hours ago
[quote] "We reserve the right to delete comments that contain offensive words or are an incitement to religious hatred." [/quote]

You might want to add..."We also will delete comments that we don't like or that we feel is best for our viewers"

bvitrano 7 hours ago 5
Interesting... the interview begins with being about RD but somehow winds up being about the interviewer and his apparent refusal to acknowledge plain facts. Overall, it ends up being a rather boring interview because we're not learning anything new: the interviewer remains ignorant and Richard is once again in the position of calling him out for his desire to be so.

theotherotherjenny 7 hours ago
We reserve the right to delete comments that contain offensive words or are an incitement to religious hatred.

So not free and unmoderated then? Can't say I'm totally shocked.

richardhealy 7 hours ago

@helihobbit Radio cardon dating is only good enough to prove time periods of things that support their beliefs like the Dead Sea Scrolls, but anything else is unacceptable. Can't argue with people that cherry pick science.

bvitrano 7 hours ago
You can see the guy flinch when Dawkins uses 'titivations'..."WHAT IS THIS FILTH!?" haha

iainreekiecouk 7 hours ago
Comment removed
WeAreStarStuff51 7 hours ago
"I'd be happy to receive an invitation"

Teslacow 7 hours ago
the person who uploaded this video is censoring comments. a comment i left yesterday has been removed.


volound 7 hours ago 2
@paulski1080 thanks very much for this comment.

volound 7 hours ago
@ItsameAlex youre doing it wrong. send him an email.

volound 7 hours ago
he repeatedly said he is a simple man. surely so, his brain haven't evolved from simple to complex. poor guy.

umahumahah 7 hours ago

jesus was a good guy. Why do you hate him? Its the people who made a religion around him you shoud be angry with.

ItsameAlex 7 hours ago

To Richard Dawkins: I love you and your work, you've helped me so much. However I was once a member of your website but now i've been suspended by a moderator. All I did was express a controversial opinion. I didn't break any of the rules such as engage in hate speech e.t.c

Please rectify this.

ItsameAlex 7 hours ago

This interviewer has not only read Dawkins' books, he hasn't done any homework at all, it seems he's never spoken with any atheist.

RaminHAL9001 7 hours ago
the host makes one remarkable mistake over and over: Whenever confronted with evidence, he repeats this mantra: I'm just a simple man and don't understand anything.

That's BS. He understands just fine. but instead of drawing the consequences from it, he puts his fingers in his ears and sings 'alala, I'm just a simple man. don't disturb my faith.'

I call that intellectual dishonesty.

freiversuch 7 hours ago 4
RD should give examples of the predictive powers that evolution can give when dealing with prophecy believing creationists. One example: The 2004 discovery of an intermediate link between fish and tetrapod. - Tiktaalik (Any Creationists reading this should Wiki this find!)

Basically this previously "missing link" was worked out to have lived around 375 million years ago. 4 years of searching within rock of this specific age produced it's discovery.

How do creationists explain this prediction??

paulski1080 7 hours ago
@gooseholla1 Of course, I understand the difficulties the interviewer had, that is not at all related to the fact that he struggled to listen to his guest. Richard had explained, very simply the incremental development of the eye, which then got no response - was completely ignored, whilst his rather bewildered guest looked on. Surely we shouldn't make excuses for common decency!

THEHARMONIKZ 8 hours ago
Comment removed
paulski1080 8 hours ago
OK So we get it. The Theist is 'simple' but the problem is that the world is complex and simpletons just cannot understand it. Please note there is nothing wrong about being ignorant in a field. If I need medical help I ask the experts and follow their instructions. Why do the simple Theists seem to think that despite their ignorance their opinion is a valid as the experts?

isaone 8 hours ago 3
Religion is a poison to the mind.

vaister 8 hours ago
Xian dude asks how the eye could evolve, is answered by Dawkins, but then says, "Oh, sorry, I was thinking about Genesis just then, so I wasn't listening to anything you just said".

Brilliant... NAILED IT!

marccountry 8 hours ago
Comment removed
vaister 8 hours ago 2
You can see the gradual realisation in Richard's eyes that this guy is a bit of a silly billy. Painful, but brilliant to watch.

rulesandwisdom 8 hours ago

It’s mental torture to accept a young earth given all that radio carbon dating and geology, and then say that book trumps the hard science underpinned by the scientific method, the same scientific method that has transformed our health and our lives mostly for good. Then you become obliged to believe in a version of "last tuesdayism" that everything popped into existence with a manufactured past.

helihobbit 8 hours ago
"An then Bernie he said to me he said "I think your having a stroke mate""

Cha4k 8 hours ago
A universal theology is impossible, but a universal experience is not only possible but necessary. - ACIM

The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the

same level of thinking with which we created them. - Einstein

Anomki 8 hours ago
It was sad seeing that guy constantly apologise.

TheFartoholic 8 hours ago
The crux of this discussion is to wonder if belief in the scientific world view of simplicity first, evolution of complexity, naturalism and ancient beginnings is somehow equivalent to a belief in the absolute truth of a set of books written thousands of years ago. The absurdity of this premise would be laughable if not for the obvious sincerity of the host and the millions of followers like him. Science is true because technology works! Think this next time you are 5 miles up in an airplane.

WiggleItAlong 8 hours ago
This is painful to watch. The interviewer is obviously not a bad guy, he's just not a thinker, much less a rational thinker. He admits to poor intellectual stature and offers religious intellectuals for future interviewing. Why did not Revelation TV wheel them out straight away instead of putting us through this trial?

All credit to RD for a level of patience which must have been acutely frustrating. The interviewer was clearly clueless about the mechanisms of evolution.

PaulP567 8 hours ago 3
@THEHARMONIKZ I. as a Christian agree Howard did ramble on, and should have been more interested in the viewers questions to Dawkins. I don't think he was the best person to be doing the interview, considering the tragedy that struck him in the week leading up to the interview. Also, I know he is the head/owner of the station, but someone who had time to read Dawkins' works first/ understood the subject more, would have been better.

gooseholla1 8 hours ago
that man's stupidity seems almost supernatural!... poor Richard, some day he's going to die due to extreme facepalm...

BloodyInsane 8 hours ago 4
@Th0usandMaster well said hahahaaha

managarm1349 8 hours ago
Nice to see a debate on this subject conducted in such a polite manner, quite refreshing. Bill O'Reilly could learn something.

akorn80 9 hours ago

Epic ending face. He was about to seize.

LoopuleasaIonut 9 hours ago
RD is a great teacher and helps ignorant (in the true sense of the word) people to understand the facts of life. I think the interviewer is doing his followers a big favour and is courageous to take on RD. Not having read the books enables him to ask questions which others, who have also not read the books, would like to ask and which he would not have asked if he'd read the books. Its all very well to be critcal but it won' t change beliefs. RD's patience is what's needed.

MrRickbaker01 9 hours ago 3
is he really being super reasonable to the level if stupid or is he just pretending we have to be careful here, is anybody that stupid or is it just a ploy.

beccaminstrell 9 hours ago
Just extraordinary. The interviewer displays all the signs of a deluded mind. Richard is so brilliant and patient. I know the interviewer had a personal tragedy, but you must use a person who has read at least some of Dawkins' books. (which are magnificent).

iandsharp 9 hours ago 4
Amongst all the religious channel, Revelation TV scores big points for having a discussion with prof.Dawkins. It would be inspiring to see them grow up and realize the true grandeur of time and space

FilipZeVsi 10 hours ago
This has been flagged as spam show
managementboy 10 hours ago 3
Just lost a friend to this nonsense. Once they reach the point where this guys is it's impossible to reason with them. All the facts in the world won't change their point of view: It just bounces off completely. It is quite painful to watch them insulate their brains completely to rational arguments and facts.

hamstenator 10 hours ago 2
"I would be happy to recieva an invitation." I love it.

FlightyMail 10 hours ago
The only Revelation here is that the interviewer is mawkish and dim. ..'I haven't read any of Richard's books' WTF?! Wouldn't you at least read up on the person you are interviewing!? Typical xtian arrogance...

Thewaubs 10 hours ago
I wonder how long it will be before they ban comments.

nothingnesswithouten 10 hours ago

@HaligonianType1 How many Gigabytes is that? >,<

THEHARMONIKZ 10 hours ago
Poor ol' Dawkins, having to endure - what must have felt like, ("did I bring a blanket?") aeon's. Being preached to by someone who, quite obviously hadn't the slightest interest in his own questions, or indeed, listening to his guests answers.

Uncomfortable viewing.

THEHARMONIKZ 10 hours ago
I breed trilobites.

HaligonianType1 10 hours ago 3
Poor guy, i was feeling his strain of trying to argue against Richard Dawkins. His answers to Richard's points were cringable.

smudgemax 10 hours ago 3
This theist's defensiveness over his intellectual capacity incites me to think his faith is an excuse not to think for himself because he doesn't have the self-confidence to be truly individual. Such a shame people like that get subjugated by faith instead of being taught they are as capable as anyone else.

Sad. 8 (

inquisitorMence 11 hours ago 5
This is just a primitive mind vs a rational mind. The guy can't help it, his brains haven't evolved to be rational.

dutchbb1979 12 hours ago

Thats exactly what I wrote "it was painful to watch."

ByTheShortAndCurlies 12 hours ago
That was painful to watch.

ByTheShortAndCurlies 12 hours ago
This was almost painful to watch. There can be no better case for religion being a mental condition than watch a poor ill afflicted man like this interviewer discuss with a healthy logical rational mind of the highest calibre.

babymicrobe 13 hours ago

This is awesome! Thanks for posting this, I really appreciate it. I'm sure they'll come after it eventually but we can enjoy it for now.

OGjimbo 15 hours ago
It's painful watching Dawkins dealing with people like this.

One sentence would have sufficed in place of an hour of the host's babbling: "I flat out refuse to learn and I wear my ignorance like a badge of pride to make my imaginary pals happy."

megoofychick 15 hours ago
OMG, they both could use some Salvia divinorum (or psilocybin mushrooms). The interviewer needs some expansive awakening and Richard could really enjoy it :)

Anomki 16 hours ago
watching the old guy talk is not good for my bloodpressure =(

Marroc4ever 17 hours ago 2
an hour long talk. nothing learned.poor richard.

dreadedwheat26 18 hours ago 3
There is no evidence that time exist so to rely on it to prove your point is silly.

BeatleEDs 18 hours ago
poor confused baldy old man.

dreadedwheat26 18 hours ago 3
Sounds like he is the product of his up bringing. If he were in a religious family, he would probably be religious.

Evolution is not an enemy to anything. Thats a silly comment.

BeatleEDs 19 hours ago
gosh that was painfull to watch poor dawkins having to go threw that, lovely interviewer just a bit to simplistic in his views for me. but cricky dawkins deserves a medal for that ;)

losty04 21 hours ago 3
@TheRationalizer : I think that must be your laptop's speakers that are the problem. I've had a similar situation with mine on youtube/iplayer/hulu and other sites... The laptop speakers just aren't powerful enough... When I play the videos on my mainframe machine, it sounds great (or through my phone/desktop speakers/headphones). If you have VLC player, that allows you to use the settings to boost the audio output on video files. But you'd have to download the flash video files from youtube.

Vortex42 21 hours ago

Thanks very much for uploading this.

It's a very powerful document that demonstrates the perversity of the christian ignorance.

The long anecdote is so sad and petty.

Richard Dawkins is my hero. I love him.

vaister 22 hours ago
I've been trying for the last few days to watch this, .. everywhere I've looked Revelation tv have blocked it on copyright grounds. Having finally seen it, and enjoyed Mr Dawkins speak so eloquently, i can see why Revelation tv dont want people to see it.

They come across as petty criminals attempting to hide thier loot, .. well, its too late, I've seen it now ! .. excellent picture quality, you guys at Revelation tv certainly spend your public donations on expensive sets and camera's.

bonnie43uk 23 hours ago 43
Christians really are confused not surprising since the book they read can't even agree with itself.

Dawkins face is brilliant during some of this guys strange stories.

Trickycandyfloss 23 hours ago 5
this guy is humble and stupid

a good Christian i would say.

Th0usandMaster 1 day ago 44
At the end when asked if Richard would come on again, I loved the non committing response "I would be happy to receive an invitation" :D

TheRationalizer 1 day ago 5
At the end when asked if Richard would come on again, I loved the non committing response "I would be happy to receive an invitation" :D

TheRationalizer 1 day ago
Glad to see this video up again! Even better with the end of the interview not getting cut off.

Shame the audio is so low though, I can't hear what anyone is saying on my laptop unless I plug in my headphones.

Good to see it though!

TheRationalizer 1 day ago
nice one for the upload! :D

marcarmstrong88 1 day ago